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Our Church Blog - February Missionary Prayer Requests

February Missionary Prayer Requests

Posted by Missions Committee on

Here are the prayer requests for the month of February.

Benjamin and Isabel Martinez:

  1. Pray for us (my wife and children) so we can continue in ministry, serving as an instrument for  the glory of the Lord.  May He supply our needs and strengthen us spiritually. 
  2. Pray for the Misquito people who live in a social, economic and spiritual turmoil today, may the  Lord place in their heart to seek more of Him
  3. Please pray for the ministry of WALPA YAMNI, for the bible classes. May this ministry be God's  instrument to bless and strengthen the Miskito people and may the students continue their classes despite this crisis. May God raise up more people to support this ministry with their  prayers and finances.
  4. May God grant us to open the ministry of the  Vocational School, may He bless us with donors so we may purchase the missing carpentry equipment and  tools (a planer, a lathe, a router and a sander) and may He provide qualified personnel in the  area.  

Partners International. (They don't want us to publish any of their names)

Please pray for:

  1. Provision for our leaders.  That all their needs would be met. (spiritually, physically, emotionally)
  2. Protection for our leaders. That they will experience Chris't peace in their homes/ministry.
  3. Proclamation of the Gospel.  That the Word of God would go out boldly and holistically in their communities.

A missionary with Operation Mobilization. (She doesn't want us to publish her name)

  • For the Spirit's daily help to live out Jesus' pattern of ministry: as a branch attached to the Vine (John 15), in work and rest.
  • For God to unite and direct a recently-formed leadership team that I am a part of. Our team of 6 - from Kenya, Niger, Uganda, Sudan, South Africa and Canada - is focused on serving local and near-culture church-planters in Muslim-majority areas of the Sahel in West Africa. We are a virtual team, spread across 4 countries. 
    • Pray for a week-long series of planning meetings coming up at the end of February, and for the organization of a prayer mobilization event in the form of a global "virtual run" this Spring. 
  • For God's love and Word to guide me as I develop written prayer resources for two Muslim-majority areas in Northwest Africa. 
  • For God's Kingdom to come, "on earth as it is in heaven," in the Sahel region. Pray especially for:  
    • Protection and provision for 1.5+ million people displaced by violence, facing food insecurity, plus the health and economic challenges brought on by the pandemic 
    • Grace and strength for communities of Jesus followers
    • 100+ local church-planters are starting their training next month (February) 

Syncia Chan.

  1. Digital initiatives: Besides moving most of our ministries (gatherings, Bible studies, coschings, etc.) online, we have taken further initiatives to reach international students digitally. We recently launched the @intlstudentsnetwork Instagram page, and we are building several students-focused websites in partnerships with other ministries and churches. Our aim is to be more "discoverable" and provide practical, social and spiritual help to international students during this unusual time. Please pray for God to guide and grant discernment.
  2. Friends for Dinner: Hosting students for dinners at home has become tricky during this COVID time. Nevertheless, we are trying a new way to host dinners and build friendships with students online! Our team has come out with a strategy to host "Zoom Get Together" (click to learn more).
  3. Grace and favor for recruitment of staff and volunteers;
  4. Provision over our fundraising efforts for different ministry projects;
  5. Overall physical and emotional health;

Fred and Fely Tanoja:

  1. Please continue to pray for spiritual growth and protection from the enemy.
  2. Please pray also for our role in the church. Slowly but firmly, we have delegated the work back to the leaders. We will continue to mentor and do trainings. Fred will preach  once a month or as needed, and we take turns teaching adult Sunday School. We meet with the youth  for prayer meeting and fellowship every Friday afternoon. 
  3. Please continue to pray for resolution of the case concerning the property dispute and for reconciliation of the families concerned. 
  4. Please pray for wisdom  in making decision about travel plans concerning our return to Canada and for physical and spiritual strength.  
Cassandra Collin from P2C wrote:
 We are currently in British-Columbia on a sort of furlough for six months (we get back to Quebec City in July). We would appreciate prayer for this time to be restful and restorative, and that we will come back to ministry refreshed and renewed for the future.  

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