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Peoples Church of Montreal is passionate about spreading the Gospel in our city and around the world.  That is why we support over 40 missionaries and agencies locally and worldwide.

In addition, we also sponsor at least one major mission project each year. 

Please keep our missionaries in your prayers and know that giving at Peoples helps shine the light of the Gospel both near and far!  We have some recent prayer requests listed here.

Find out more about our supported missionaries and agencies below.


Barau, Gabriel (NIGERIA)

Gabriel Barau is the Director of Go Ministries in Nigeria in partnership with Intercede International. Gabriel pioneered the Go Ministry in 1983 to reach out to the primitive Koma tribe in Nigeria. Since then, GOM has expanded their outreach to include other tribes across Nigeria and other parts of West Africa.

Boucher, Gabriel  (Dunham, Quebec)

Youth With A Mission is an international volunteer movement of Christians from many backgrounds, cultures and Christian traditions, dedicated to serving Jesus throughout the world.

YWAM Dunham's  specific involvement is with storytelling and filmmaking, training young storytellers as actors and filmmakers.

CHAN, Syncia (Canada)

Stewarding her background and skillset, Syncia Chan is the Vice President of Communications with International Student Ministries Canada (ISMC), developing both external and internal communications within the organization.


CYR, Steve and Laura (FRANCE)

In association with Serving in Mission, Steve and Laura Cyr are a part of a church planting project in Bourges, France. Their heart for this region is to see a new generation grow to know and serve Christ.

FRANK, Stephen and Karen (INTERNATIONAL)

As a part of Global Outreach Mission, Steve and Karen Frank work for La Voix de L’Evangile, a radio program that spread the Gospel to the French-speaking people of Quebec through weekly broadcasts.

Blog: Aches and Praise


The Grossmans are a part of an outreach ministry to the Jewish communities in Canada through the organization Israel’s Hope


Motivated by her heart for Native peoples, Shirley Hamilton is the Executive Director of DayStar Native Christian Outreach, a ministry focused on relationship building activities and events in a local community center. 

Hernandez, Julio Garcia (Mexico)

Julio Garcia Hernandez is part of the CRU missionary organization. He works in the CRU office for Latin America and the Caribbeans in the area of Digital Strategies in Puebla, Mexico. He creates apps and websites to help share the faith.


Pastor Hrudaya runs a partner organization of Intercede International called Orissa Follow-Up, an evangelical ministry in the poorest province of India that establishes local churches and even provides an orphanage.

Email: friends at 


Soula Isch’s heart is for women; to disciple and encourage women in the Christian walk, be it new believers or missionaries abroad. She is involved in SIM’s Dorcas Widows project that focuses on ministering to widowed women in West Africa.

Lashley, Kathleen (Brazil) 

Kathleen Lashley is from Montreal. She has worked for Crossworld since 2008. She served in a ministry called "Creative Hands", a community development project in a small and poor village in the north of Brazil. She worked mainly with women and children; the people in that area work in the local garbage and recycling plant. She started and led a preschool program for the last 7 years and has now handed it over to the Brazilians. She is spending the current year in Home Assignment  (furlough) to seek the Lord's guidance in other areas of ministry.

MACLEOD, Bibiana & Alexander (INTERNATIONAL)

Bibiana MacLeod is the Regional Coordinator of South America for Medical Ambassadors International, a faith-based organization that applies Community Health Evangelism (CHE) worldwide. CHE integrates evangelism with medical and community development, empowering the local communities.



MARTINEZ, Benjamin and Isabel (HONDURAS)

In Honduras, the Martinez pastor a Moravian Church and live with the Miskitos, an indigenous group in Puerto Lempira. There, they focus on church-planting and leadership development within the community.


 McVeigh, Christie  (Châteauguay) 

Christie McVeigh is Station 7 Director (Under the umbrella of Montreal Youth Unlimited). The center is a drop-in place where a variety of activities are offered including pool table, foosball, video games, air hockey, etc..  Christie’s work consists of helping youth through the difficult transition of adolescence to adulthood. This is done in a non-judgmental way sharing the love of God with actions and words.

PEACH, Wesley and Priscilla (QUEBEC)

As the Academic Dean of Word of Life.

Blog: News from the Peaches


Yaw Perbi is a former President and present Global Ambassador of International Student Ministries of Canada, an organization that seeks to reach and empower international students all across Canada for the work that God has prepared for them.


PLATT, Richard and Haruyo (MONTREAL, QC)

OMF International is committed to serving the holistic needs of the materially poor through community development work.

Richard and Haruyo have been very effective cross-cultural workers and have helped many East Asians to embrace Christ as Lord. 

Poenaru, Daniel

Daniel Poenaru works at Innovation Youth and he is the  Connections Program Coordinator. Daniel with his background in education, manages the high school accreditation program, which seeks the growth and empowerment of students whose needs were not met by traditional schooling. Daniel's work allows him to genuinely invest in the students’ lives. He loves the holistic approach taken towards growing individuals, not just students. These young adults are bursting with potential! All they need is a second chance to break the mold they have felt trapped in by traditional education and the opportunity to redefine what success looks like for themselves.

Ritz, David  (Montreal, Quebec)

David is the Montreal Director of Red Frog.  Reg Frog offers a support program for young people age 17 to 30. Through Red Frogs, David is supporting McGill University Campus offering a positive presence in alcohol-fuelled environment where young people gather.

Rodier, Donald (St-Hyacinthe, Quebec)

He is the Fellowship National’s Chaplaincy Coordinator in Quebec.  His dream is to see more than 200 believers from Congregations serving God through Fellowship Chaplaincy by year 2030. Ultimately the goal is to have Christians committing themselves to being the presence of Christ in our society.

SCHAAPMAN, Tony and Kornelia (Poland)

Tony Schaapman works with Bible Centered Ministries International, an organization focused on establishing and supporting Bible clubs for kids in local schools, homes or churches.


Jenna Smith is the Director of Innovation Jeunes, a youth center with Christian Direction whose mission is to enable youth to engage in their education and communities.


Affiliated with the organization Power to Change, Cassandra’s ministry focuses on reaching and disciplining university students as they embrace newfound freedom in their lives and often hear the Gospel for the first time.


Tang, Belinda  (Montreal, Quebec)

 Belinda is the new City Director of the Montreal ISMC team.   “International Student Ministries Canada—ISMC—is a ministry in Canada focused on ministering to international students, empowering them to become fully devoted followers of Jesus and to reach out and minister to those God has placed in their lives, whether in Canada or in their home country. 

Montreal International Students


As the Terra Nova Youth Center Program Coordinator, Laura is a mentor to youth, counseling them in their faith and discipling them. Her heart breaks for those who feel alone, and she desires to teach them their true worth and identity in Christ.

WONG, Shu Yin & David (MONTREAL)

Through InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, Shu Yin Wong’s ministry is to university students; to share the Gospel on campus, and to disciple them in their faith.


Various pastors


As a Christian not-for-profit foundation, Partners International establishes global relationships between Canadians and local organizations all over the world, providing resources and support to those ministries as needed. Their heart is to empower local groups instilled with the calling to serve their communities both physically as well as spiritually.


For more than 70 years, Wycliffe has helped people around the world translate the Bible into their own languages. Wycliffe also helps with language development, literacy and other spiritual and physical needs.