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The Plan of God

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The Plan of God

Series: The Attributes of God

Category: Our Pastors, God's Attributes

Speaker: Christopher Shipster

Summary: God gives life meaning.

Tags: governance, preservation, concurance

How would it change your life if you were told (and you believed) that your life was a link in a long unbroken chain?

Ps 139;16

Prov 16:4


Rom 8:28

Eph 2:10

Ecclesiastes 12:13

Does God want us to seek his plan?


The Bible says to seek the face of God, not to seek his plan for our life.

We do not know his plan, but we know his wishes: to love, to serve, to worship …


Guidance is something that he does, rather than something he tells us.


God does not measure success as we do:

He looks at faithfulness.