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Loving the Stranger

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Loving the Stranger

Series: What is Love?

Category: Love

Speaker: Christopher Shipster

Passage: Deuteronomy 26:1-15

Summary: Embracing justification makes us generous people

Tags: love, calendar, generosity, justification, poor, widow, orphan, needy, stranger, neighbour, foreigner, caring for the vulnerable, as yourself, bank statement

Justice matters to God. That's why He shed his blood for us. 

The gospel transforms lives. It heals us. 

How were you saved? 

  • Ephesians 2:17 

Additional Scripture:

  • James 1:27
  • Proverbs 14:31
  • Mark 12:38-40
  • Luke 11:39
  • Luke 10 
  • Eph. 2:17

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