God's Love and Wrath
1 These. 1: 9-10 … we turn from whatever takes the place of God in our life. Second, having received Christ into our life we enter a life of joyful service to the living God. …
1 These. 1: 9-10 … we turn from whatever takes the place of God in our life. Second, having received Christ into our life we enter a life of joyful service to the living God. …
Romans 5: 3-5 As believers in Jesus Christ we have a different perspective on our sufferings than would otherwise be expected. . We are told that we re to rejoice in them because …
Recent events in Charlottesville VA have raised much concern about the sad state of relationships between people. Most people did not like what happened and want to live in a more loving and accepting society. Yet, our society undeniably still carries racism and bigotry within it. Many...
John 10:10-11 - Jesus is implying He is both God and King who cares for His own who trust Him and follow Him …
"For He has said, 'I will never leave you nor forsake you'." Heb 13:5b -- This verse is a great expression of the security we have in Christ. The promise contained in these words is used by the following verse in Hebrews 13 to inspire courage, indeed fearlessness in the face of...
1 Corinthians 13:13 - "Now abide these three, faith, hope and love, but the greatest of these is love." - This conclusion of 1 Corinthians 13 is based on three factors: First, God Himself ...
Hebrews 12:1-2 - The Christian life is compared to a race in this passage. We must ...
Hebrews 10:25 - … we are not isolated individuals as Christians, but members of the body of Christ. We are spiritually connected to one another and should encourage one another. The Holy Spirit knows that we need encouragement and He uses us to serve each other in this way.
1 John 5:13 - The apostle John writes to Christians who are unsure of their salvation. This is a problem some believers face. Let us consider what a Christian is …
John 14:6 - We are all on a journey through life. If we trust Christ as our Lord and Saviour we are on a journey full of truth and life, heading for our Father's house …