For those interested in the teaching given by Dr. John Woodward for the couples conference ...
For those interested in the teaching given by Dr. John Woodward for the couples conference ...
Around the world we will be gathering on Holy Week to remember the greatest sacrifice made by the greatest person who has ever lived. The Lord Jesus gave himself up to suffer on the cross for the sins of the world. Three days later the Father raised Jesus from the dead, and everything...
Join us for this Easter sermon series, preached on Sunday mornings and on Good Friday until Easter.
The House Committee is looking for “handy volunteers” to assist with various projects and building tasks. If interested, a sign up sheet is located in the foyer.
Our pastors preached a series of sermons on our core values in the fall of 2018 on Sunday mornings. If for any reason you missed any of these sermons and would like to know more about our core values, we invite you to look at our Big Six Sermon Series and view or listen to any sermons...
Enjoy this Christmas presentation performed by our church choir.
Sunday Evening Sermon Series - the multifaceted ways in which God uses trials, tribulations, sufferings, temptations and testings so that our will, our spirit and our whole personality become ...
John Woodward and his wife Linda are known to many of us at the church. Their daughter Sarah died very suddenly this past Tuesday. Please be in prayer for their family.
The July 14th Memorial Service for my father, Georges-Yves Godon, will be a private gathering, but we know your love, prayers and thoughts are with us ...
Ephesians 6:10 - This verse begins the final section of Paul's letter to the Christians in Ephesus. It deals with the spiritual struggle believers in Christ face. Our adversaries are not …