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Leading with God

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Leading with God

Series: Nehemiah

Category: Our Pastors

Speaker: Christopher Shipster

Passage: Nehemiah 1:1-13:31

Summary: We have reached the end of our brief journey through the text of Nehemiah. It is remarkable to see all that was achieved during that time of Israels history, and how powerfully Nehemiah was used in all of it. Stories like these beg the question, what makes him so special? We often have a tendency to look at others who have achieved amazing things and ask "how do they do it?"

We have reached the end of our brief journey through the text of Nehemiah. It is remarkable to see all that was achieved during that time of Israels history, and how powerfully Nehemiah was used in all of it. Stories like these beg the question, what makes him so special? We often have a tendency to look at others who have achieved amazing things and ask "how do they do it?"
So how did he do it? I believe if we were to look at the text as a sweeping whole, there are patterns that emerge about Nehemiah's life which lean towards an answer. There are many books and other media made about how to be an effective leader/influential person, these life tips are often true and helpful but this is not of primary concern to the Christian. What is of primary concern is that our lives build into the Kingdom of God and for that we need a different set of tools and vision. Nehemiah's Christ-like dependance, sacrifice and perseverance cause him to rise again and again to the challenge with a vision for a glorious future.