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Going Deeper

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Going Deeper

Series: Stand Alone Sermons

Category: Christian Living

Speaker: Christopher Shipster

Passage: Deuteronomy 10:12-11:1

Summary: True change takes a deeply affected heart.

Tags: resolutions, jonathan edwards, growing

Additional Scripture: 

  • 2 Peter 3:18

Nine Affections of the Christian Life

  1. (Deut 10:12){{holy fear}} 
  2. (Deut. 11:1) {{love}} 
  3. (1 Thess. 5:8) {{hope}} 
  4. (Matt. 5:6) {{holy desire or hunger and thirst for change}} 
  5. (Phil. 4:4) {{joy}} 
  6. (Ps. 51:17) {{sorrow over sin}} 
  7. Deut. 10:21 - {{gratitude}} 
  8. Deut. 10:19 - {{compassion}} 
  9. Titus 2:14 - {{zeal}} 

Who is Jesus? What does he do? 

  1. Jesus is boundless.
  2. He rules
  3. He saves.
  4. he is our friend.
  5. He will return.
  6. He is tender and kind - He is gentle.